The ToT in both Child and Adult timelines have been either a) completely left in ruins that the building no longer stands (Child) or b) made a new Hyrule's Castle new basement (Adult) The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (BotW 2) follows the events of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Read on for a full summary of Tears of the Kingdom, as19 hours ago The original 1986 Legend of Zelda takes place towards the end of the darkest Zelda timeline, which begins with the Hero of Time's defeat at the end of Ocarina of TimeIn this branch, Ganondorf obtains all three pieces of the Triforce and transforms into the Demon King, laying waste to Hyrule until Zelda and the Seven Sages can imprison him in the Sacred Realm

We Now Know Breath Of The Wild S Place In Legend Of Zelda Timeline Variety